Ratings Criteria

IAABO Board #20 – Central Maine
Rating Form


The purpose of the rating system is to:

#1. Provide personal feedback to the official for self-improvement.

#2. Provide a method of evaluating the officials on the board.

#3. To prevent potential problems that would reflect on the policies, procedures, and professionalism of all members on the Central Maine Board.


#1. Ratings should be conducted in a fair and honest manner and should be kept confidential.

#2. Think of the officials that best demonstrate the qualities of each of the rating areas and rate your fellow official in comparison to those qualities.

#3. Rating scale is as follows: Outstanding (10-9), Above average (8-7), Average (6-5), Below average (4-3), Needs improvement (2-1).

#4 Rate only the officials that you have worked with during the season. Rate the official in all of the areas on the rating scale.

#5. Rate the officials in alphabetical order….and any rating below 4 should be accompanied by a written explanation of why.

#6. Regardless of the level of game that the official worked, please rate those individuals that you believe are varsity level officials between 7-10 and those you believe are sub-varsity between 1-6.

#7 It is permissible to rate an individual a varsity level in some categories and sub-varsity in others.

#8. Submit the ratings to the Assignor no later than the Annual meeting.

#9. The assignor reserves the right to bring questionable ratings to the attention of the Executive Committee.

#10. Please use the last column to place any comments you would like about that particular official. Use the corresponding letter (A-V) to select the comment you wish to use. After selecting the letter, use a + (plus sign) or a – (minus sign) to further describe if the comment was intended to be positive or negative.

For example if you give an official a “3” for personal and professional appearance, because that official wore tattered jeans and a t-shirt to a varsity game, then put “A-” in the last column.

Rating Areas

Personal & Professional Appearance

A. Wears proper attire to and from game site.

B. Official is well groomed and maintains a groomed appearance throughout the game.

C. Uniform is clean, pressed and fits properly.

D. Official is physically capable of being “on the play”

Manner & Professionalism

E. Communicates game site, game time and ride arrangements with partners.

F. Arrives at game site 45 minutes before game time (Varsity), 30 minutes (JV and Freshman).

G. Participates in a pre-game conference with partner(s).

H. Maintains professional “distance” from coaches, players and fans, before, during and after the game.

I. Maintains composure in stressful situations: listens, explains, enforces.

J. Official is courteous and business like, firm and non-threatening, calm in all situations K. Treats all participants with respect.

L. Is always supportive of partner.

M. Works the game with enthusiasm and hustle, regardless of level and/or ability of teams.


N. Communicates clearly on the court with approved hand signals.

O. Demonstrates proper floor positioning during regular game play and special situations (presses, free-throws, throw ins, technical fouls, time-outs).

P. Handles game with maximum efficiency (does not hurry, minimizes delays).

Game Administration

Q. Official adjusts well to change of pace (half court game, full court pressure, stalls)

R. Official maintains emotional control as emotions of others (coaches, players, fans) change.

S. Official is skillful in handling “non-routine” game situations. (Scorebook problems, delays, etc.)

T. “Neutralizes” emotional changes in coaches and players (preventative officiating)

Rules Application

U. Officiates in a manner that is consistent with the spirit and intent of the rules